Rent and service charges for 2023/24
Like all social landlords, we review our rent and service charges every year. At Housing for Women, this process is carried out during the summer, and any changes take place in the autumn.
You will soon receive a letter from us advising you of your rent and services charges for the coming year 2023/24. Any changes to your rent and service charges will take effect from the beginning of October.
Will my rent and service charge be increasing?
As you will have seen in the news, inflation is currently very high, much higher than it has been for a long time. This affects your personal and household costs and has also significantly impacts all our costs and those of our suppliers.
Like other Housing Associations, the rent we charge is our primary source of income. It pays for all the repairs that are needed each year, as well as the management of our properties. It also helps pay the interest on any loans we have taken out to invest in our homes for the future. The Government sets a cap on the maximum increase we can apply to our rents.
Service charges are an amount that tenants pay to cover the cost of providing communal or shared services to a building and, if applicable, the surrounding block/estate, to ensure their upkeep, safety, and maintenance.
Struggling to pay your rent?
It's crucial that you pay your rent and service charge on time. Failure to pay may result in legal action, which could result in you losing your home and incurring costs.
It’s easier to pay your rent by direct debit, but there are several other options available to you, such as a standing order, online banking, and Pay Point. Further details about how you can pay your rent are on our website, please click here.
Getting Help
We appreciate that you may be concerned about managing your finances due to the impact of any changes to our rents and service charges as well as the current cost-of-living crisis. We understand that our tenants' circumstances are different and that some of you, at some stage, may experience financial difficulties which can prevent you from paying your rent.
If you are struggling to pay your rent or fall into arrears, please immediately contact a member of our Income Team on 020 7501 6120 to agree on a repayment plan and stop action. We will also offer you guidance on how to maximise your income and/or refer you to other agencies who can support you with managing any other debts you may have.
If you have difficulty meeting the cost of your rent and other household bills, there are organisations that can help:
Citizens Advice
There is a network of Citizens Advice offices across London providing walk-in advice and assistance. The Citizens Advice website is also a great source of information.
Turn 2 Us
Provides a free helpline for those needing internet access or help going online. Their number is 080 802 2000, 9-5 weekdays.