Update on Gordon Place

Update on Gordon Place

Published 08 March 2022

Like many other Social Landlords, Housing for Women (HfW) has an Asset Management Strategy which supports our Business Plan. In line with this, we regularly review our assets to ensure that they remain financially viable in the medium to long term. As well as considering the financial performance of an asset including short- and long-term investment costs we also consider customer satisfaction and demand. In carrying out this process we can identify poorly performing assets which are then subject to a thorough options appraisal.

Gordon Place has been through this rigorous process, after which four options were considered as possible solutions, and residents views were sought on these. After considering the options and resident feedback, in July 2021 the decision was taken to support tenants to move to decommission and dispose of the block. This was communicated to all residents of the block together with the Local Authority.

This was not an easy decision to make, and we were very aware that some residents would understandably be extremely upset and reluctant to leave their home of many years.

To support residents as fully as possibly we have been through an intensive process to understand each of their needs and concerns.

This has been developed into:

  • a Decant plan – this consists of a decant offer for each resident which considers relocation options as well as additional support to make this move as smooth as possible.
  • a Health and Safety service standard - meaning that repairs will continue to take place throughout the time that residents remain in the building.

HfW is attempting to meet the needs of all the affected residents, and other Local Authorities and landlords have also been approached to widen the opportunities available for the residents of Gordon Place.

We are continuing to support and work with the remaining residents to ensure that they are found suitable alternative accommodation and that the transition to their new home is as smooth as possible.

All monies from the disposal of Gordon Place will support our long-term financial plan which includes investment in our stock portfolio.