Rent and charges
How to pay your rent and other charges
Your rent is due each month in advance. It is due on the first day of each month. You can use any of the following methods to pay your rent or other charges:
Direct Debit or Standing Order
Direct Debit
A Direct Debit is an instruction from you to your bank or building society. It authorises the organisation you want to pay to collect varying amounts from your account – but only if you've been given advance notice of the amounts and dates of collection.
Standing Order
A standing order is an instruction you give to your bank to pay a set amount at regular intervals to another person or organisation’s account. The difference between this and a Direct Debit is that only you control the amount that comes out of your account.
To set up a direct debit or standing order please download and complete the appropriate form below, and return to us. We can also post you a form on request.
Online via the Customer Portal
Online using Allpay
You can pay online at, or you can download the Allpay app:
If you have an Allpay card you can call their 24-hour payment line on 0330 041 6497 and follow the automated instructions. We can issue an Allpay rent payment card on request.
Using internet banking (payment online)
If you bank online, you can set up either a standing order or a one off payment. Please ensure you quote your tenant reference number as the reference.
Please quote Sort Code: 30-00-09
Quote bank Account: 00025164
You can pay at any shop displaying the PayPoint, Post Office or signs.
Find your nearest PayPoint outlet.
Please make cheques payable to Housing for Women. Please remember to put your tenant number and address on the reverse.
Remember, paying your rent on time and in full is your responsibility.
If you are concerned that you will not be able to pay your rent, please get in touch with us at the earliest opportunity by calling 020 7501 6120 or contact your Neighbourhood Officer who can provide advice or refer you to other relevant services.
Service Charges
Service charges are charges billed to residents for the cost of any services we provide during the year. Services we provide might include for example cleaning or grounds maintenance in shared areas.
All service charges are detailed in your tenancy agreement. Your service charge will also be reviewed every year and we will give you at least one month’s notice of any changes.