Internal Transfers - One Housing for Women property to another Housing for Women property
It is possible for existing residents to request a transfer to another Housing for Women property. To be eligible for a transfer you must meet certain requirements and have approval from a housing manager to be accepted onto the waiting list. It is also dependent on the availability of homes within your chosen area. It is best to discuss the process and procedure with your Neighbourhood Officer.
External transfers - Mutual Exchanges (transfer to a non Housing for Women property)
Home Swapper is an online register which helps you find other tenants within another housing association or council property to exchange tenancies with. If you are interested in this service you must register online via the Home Swapper website at
Alternatively, Housing Moves is the Mayor of London's housing mobility scheme that allows tenants of London boroughs or housing associations to move outside their existing borough to a different part of London. It is run by the Greater London Authority and the majority of London boroughs and housing associations are participating.
Priority is given to applicants who are either
- Living in a property larger than they need
- Are in work or training
- Are overcrowded in their current home
- Provide care and support to someone living in a different part of London
To be eligible you must have a Secure, Assured or Fixed Term tenancy and have no rent arrears or a record of anti-social behaviour. For more information and to register for the Scheme visit